1. Antidiabetic Evaluation of Isolated Compounds from Nyctanthes Arbortristis in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rat Model
Ram Bindurani L G P, Fegade Sachin A
Ram Bindurani L G P, Fegade Sachin A
Among the plants commonly used in the traditional African pharmacopoeia, Parkia biglobosa called ‘nere’ in the West Natural products with medicinal value are gradually gaining importance in clinical research due to their well-known property of the least side effects as compared to synthetic drugs. Nyctanthes arbortristis L. (Oleaceae), a plant generally utilized in the Indian traditional system of medicines for hepatoprotective, antiviral and antifungal activities. The current research was meant to assess the counter diabetic action of isolated compounds of Nyctanthes arbortristis L (Parijat) aerial parts in alloxan instigated diabetic rodents. Diabetic Wistar rodents were treated with standard medicine glibenclamide and arranged separate in two different doses 200 mg and 400 mg/kg. Sugar lowering impact was assessed in test rodents and the adequacy of concentrate was managed in alloxan prompted diabetic rodents. At the end of study period blood glucose level were genuinely dissected in view of the outcomes. Extract revealed the decrease in blood glucose level when compared with non-treated diabetic rodents. In this way, the current investigation work was affirmed that the extract has significant hypoglycemic impact.
2. Standardisation and Estimation of Hispidulin – A Potent Antidiabetic Constituent Present in Leaves of Millingtonia Hortensis and Scoparia Dulcis by Hptlc and Hplc Methods as Per Ich Appliance & Bioassay Guided in Vitro Study of Antidiabetic Activity
Jayaprakasam R, Nivedha JS, Gandhimathi M, Ravi TK
Jayaprakasam R, Nivedha JS, Gandhimathi M, Ravi TK
The present work was undertaken with the objective to quantify the hispidulin and estimate from the successive leaf extracts of Millingtonia hortensis and Scoparia dulcis with the help of standard marker hispidulin by using HPTLC and HPLC methods for the first time and to carry out the evaluation of their antidiabetic activity. Camag HPTLC system equipped with TLC Linomat V applicator, Camag TLC scanner and winCATS software and Shimadzu HPLC prominence UFLC were used. HPTLC of standard marker and petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol leaf extracts of Millingtonia hortensis and Scoparia dulcis were developed in suitable mobile phase of toluene: ethyl acetate: methanol (5:3:1%v/v/v) using standard procedures and scanned under UV at 335nm. HPLC of standard marker and successive leaf extracts of Millingtonia hortensis and Scoparia dulcis were carried out by using acetonitrile: phospohoric acid (pH-4.05) of ratio 40:60 and chromatograms were recorded at 335nm. Standardisation of hispidulin were carried out by HPTLC, HPLC methods and linearity was found to be 0.9982 and 0.9989 respectively. Quantification of hispidulin in successive leaf extracts of two plants were carried out.
3. Updates on Ethnomedicinal Uses and Biological Activities of Genus Ruellia
Jagtap T. D., Shirsat, R. P., Koche, D. K.
Jagtap T. D., Shirsat, R. P., Koche, D. K.
Reullia is the genus of flowering plant comprising about 250 species, commonly called as wild pitunias. Some of the members of this genus are medicinally important and are being used traditionally to cure several ailments by tribals and local peoples. Present article deals with the discussion of various traditional uses and biological activities of members of genus Reullia, reported by several scientists. These plants showed diuretic, anti-diabetic, antipyretic, analgesic, antioxidant, gastroprotective, antimicrobial, antifertility, anti-inflammatory, antinoceptive, antiulcer, cytotoxic and anticancer properties. Several members of genus Ruellia have traditional medicinal values and most of them are explored for their biological properties. However, the bioactive molecules of these plants are yet to be investigated fully. Some of these plants could prove significant source of medicinal potential molecules as drug candidate.
4. Development and Evaluation of Floating Micropsheres of Famotidine using Different Polymers
Mishra Namrata, Banerjee Vijeta, Shakya Ritika, Dubey Subodh
Mishra Namrata, Banerjee Vijeta, Shakya Ritika, Dubey Subodh
Earlier patients have been using conventional dosage form like tablet, capsule to treat the acute and chronic disease but these conventional dosage from have to be taken several times in a day for maintaining the plasma peak level concentration. Hence to overcome these problems. controlled release drug delivery system were developed. Microsphere release the drug in controlled rate and overcome the problem of conventional drug delivery system. In this preformulation of famotidine has been alone. Famotidine drug also identified by IR and UV Spectroscopy different famotidine different formulation floating microsphere were prepared and the identification of famotidine drug was confirmed by characteristics bond delivery system. The standard curve of drug was prepared SGF at 292nm. Floating microsphere of famotidine was prepared by CAP and Ethyl cellulose. The presence of pthalose group in CAP might impart more lipophilicity. In vitro study of floating microsphere was done in dissolution medium for more than 12h formulation F9 consisting ethyl cellulose and CAP (3:1) exhibited highest floating of 93% respectively floatability.
5. Rare and Endangered Medicinal Plants of Chitrakoot Area of Satna District (M.P) Used in Ayurvedic Formulations and Their Conservation
Sumant Kumar Singh, Mirza Ahsan Beg and M. Jaish Beg
Sumant Kumar Singh, Mirza Ahsan Beg and M. Jaish Beg
The present study was conducted in Chitrakoot area of Satna district (M.P.) due to great reservoir of ethnomedicinally useful plants. There is a need to explore and record the medicinal plants used in the treatment of diseases.A survey was also conducted, at different herbal drug stores in Chitrakoot to list plants used in various Ayurvedic formulations being sold. A total of 8 rare and endangered plant species such as Abrus precatorius L., Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F.) Wall. ex Nees, Asparagus racemosus Wild., Butea monosperma (Lamk.) Taub., Gloriosa superba L., Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., Oroxylum indicum (L.)Venten and Terminalia chebula Retz. used in Ayurvedic formulation.The conservation of medicinal plant wealth requires serious consideration. Over exploitation of medicinal plants wealth should be checked. There is a need to encourage the cultivation of medicinal plants at large scale and development of the herbal gardens.
6. Insights Into the Ethnopharmacological Features of Purple Pitcher Plant
Jadeja P., Kadam A., Chokshi P., Dr. Mashru R. C.
Jadeja P., Kadam A., Chokshi P., Dr. Mashru R. C.
The plant Sarracenia purpurea belong to the Sarraceniaceae family, it is popularly known as “purple pitcher plant”. Sarracenia purpurea is a carnivorous plant which is dependent on insects or protozoan for nutrients. A mature pitcher leaf of Sarracenia purpurea is usually green to red in colour with dark-colored veins. Species richness increased with pitcher density, showing that there is a wider variety of species attracted to pitchers in higher density groups than in low density groups. More pitchers in a group may increase the attractiveness of the site, potentially drawing in more insects and leading to natural variation in species. Pitcher leaves of Sarracenia purpurea develop through cell division patterns of adaxial tissues that are different from those in bifacial and peltate leaves. The phytochemistry of plant reveals presence of (+)-catechin, morroniside, goodyeroside, Quercetin, quercetin-3-O-galactoside, quercetin-3-O-arabinoside, taxifolin-7-O-galactoside, gossypetin-3- O-galactoside, taxifolin, tamarixetin-3-O-galactoside, betulinic acid, and Ursolic acid of Sarracenia purpurea. The Sarracenia purpurea is known to show Anti-diabetic activity, Anti-herpes virus activity, Anti-mycobacterial activity, Cytoprotective activity, Local analgesic effects and Anti –viral activity. The present review focuses on pharmacological activities of Sarracenia purpurea.
7. Phytochemical Screening and in Vitro Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition Assay of Green Leaf Extracts of Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg
Meera Sabari V, Jameer Ahamed S, Ayisha Nadir, Anuranjani A, Gopika R J, Nitheesh N, Preetha M R, Beena Lawrence, Thavasimuthu Citarasu
Meera Sabari V, Jameer Ahamed S, Ayisha Nadir, Anuranjani A, Gopika R J, Nitheesh N, Preetha M R, Beena Lawrence, Thavasimuthu Citarasu
Objective: To screen the presence of various phytochemical constituents in green leaf extracts of Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg (breadfruit) and to test the ability of phytocompounds to potentially inhibit Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) under in vitro condition. Methods: Qualitative phytochemical screening of green leaf of Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg was done by standard procedures. ACE inhibiting capacity of the plant leaf fractions was assayed after column chromatography, using N-Hippuryl-His-Leu hydrate as substrate and the compound present in better active fraction was confirmed by TLC analysis. Results: The results revealed the presence of many important phytochemicals such as carbohydrates, quinones, aminoacids, proteins, reducing sugars, flavonoids, gums and mucilages, tannins, resins, terpenoids, phenols, saponins, cardiac glycosides, volatile oils, starch, steroids, emodols and fatty acids. All the six fractions (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and F6) obtained by column chromatography revealed their efficacy to inhibit ACE.TLC analysis of most active fraction F5 indicated the presence of a single compound with an RF vale of 0.55. Conclusion: The ACE inhibitory potential of A. altilis leaf extracts observed in the present results will shore up its utilization in the folk medicine for the better treatment of hypertension.
8. Ipomoea Prolifera – Beautiful Bolivia: A Review
Reema Jaiswal, Ankur Patel, Anju B. Bhandole
Reema Jaiswal, Ankur Patel, Anju B. Bhandole
Around 600¬700 species of Ipomoea, belongs to the Convolvulaceae, are found throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the planet . Several of these species are used as ornamental plants, food, medicines or in religious ceremony .Ipomoea Prolifera,a new genus of the plant which was discovered in Bolivia 2018.The present work reviews the, all the updated information on Botanical description and traditional usesof Ipomoea Prolifera species and illustrates the potential of the genus as a source of therapeutic agents. These species are utilized in several parts of the world for the treatment of several diseases, such as, diabetes,hypertension, dysentery, constipation, fatigue, arthritis, rheumatism, hydrocephaly, meningitis, kidney ailments and inflammations.Some of these species showed antimicrobial, analgesic, spasmolytic, spasmogenic, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, anticoagulant, anti inflammatory, psychoto mimetic and anticancer activities. Alkaloids, phenolics compounds and glycolipids are the foremost common biologically active constituents from these plant extracts.
9. Formulation and Evaluation of Polyherbal Hair Oil for Premature Grey Hair
Dhasmana Kamal, Verma Shalu, Jakhmola Vikash
Dhasmana Kamal, Verma Shalu, Jakhmola Vikash
Premature graying of hair will lower confidence and satisfaction in one self and might have an Adverse impact on the looks,s hallowness, and social-cultural acceptance of a personal. Graying of hair is recognized as a symbol of maturity and loss of health. It’s not unusual for patients to complain and is a source of significant psychological and physical distress. Hereditary, stress, diet, pollution, oxidative stress harsh chemicals are the most important factors responsible for premature greying of hairs of an individual. Herbal products within the form of natural formulations are available inside the marketplace and are used as hair tonics, hair conditioners, hair-cleansing agent,a nti-dandruff, as well as for the treatment of alopecia, dandruff, fungus, lice infection and premature greying of hair. A number of natural, synthetics, or semi synthetics products had been acclaimed as the best hair care product. In our observation, we have located that the following ingredients can somehow overcome the present hair problems with their unique properties Withania somnifera, Asparagus racemosus, Permalia perlata, Nardostachys jatamansi, Cyperus scariosus, Nigella sativa, Sesamum indicum, Cocos nucifera The present study,undertaken to increase a formulation containing oil-based extracts of these herbal ingredients in the form of natural hair oils in various ratios&concentrations and evaluating the formulated oils for his or her hair wariness, so our overall conclusion is that if we use this oil as on daily bases with good nutrition diet than the problem of premature greying of hair can be cured more effectively.
10. Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Polyherbal Gel Prepared from Artemisia nilagirica (Clarke. Pamp) and Murraya koenigii (Linn.) Leaves
Shivani Bhardwaj, Chandra Shekhar Tailor
Shivani Bhardwaj, Chandra Shekhar Tailor
The Practice of herbal medicine has been noted as a major form of medicine since Prehistoric times. In this space age Where the Technology is so advanced, herbal medicines is still thriving and is highly accepted in both the developing and the developed countries due to it`s natural origin and low side effects. Many of the Pharmaceuticals currently available have a long history of use as herbal remedies including opium, aspirin, digitalis and quinine. While purification and quantification of these plant extracts makes them more predictable and chemical based processing can sometimes modify their effects in affecting ways, herbal remedies tend to have a more complex and subtle mix of chemicals, and can sometimes offer access to drugs or combinations of drugs, that the pharmaceutical industry has not exploited. Increased focus on plant based remedies as a source of medication for a wide range of human afflictions in the result of factors including population growth, insufficient drug supply, prohibitive cost of treatments, side effects of several synthetic drugs, and the emergence of drug resistance to currently prescribed medications for infectious diseases. Herbal drugs are getting popularity and there Pharmacological properties are reported from different parts of the world. In the current study, the Poly herbal gel of both Artemisia nilagirica and Murraya koenigii alcoholic extract of leaves showed good anti microbial potential. Herbal medicine have received much attention as a source of new anti microbial drugs since they are considered as a time tested and comparatively safe both for human use and for environment.Overall Result of Current Study demonstrate that the Polyherbal gel prepared from these plant species has good Antimicrobial potential against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus microbial species.The Present study was designed to search for newer, safer and more potent Antimicrobial component which may be accomplished over present need.
11. Ganoderma colossus: Prospective Candidate of Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Sources
Keerthana C S, Prakasia Pressy P
Keerthana C S, Prakasia Pressy P
The wild mushroom Ganoderma colossus was evaluated for its phytochemical constituents and antioxidant properties. The genus Ganoderma is a group of wood degrading polypore belonging to the family Ganodermataceae, it has a long history of its use in traditional medicine. The dried mushroom sample was pulverized using an electronic blender and the soxhlet apparatus was used to get a more refined extract. The phytochemical study revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, and phenolic compounds. Mushroom extract scavenged DPPH radical in a significant dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that the specimen of interest is an important source of bioactive compounds and can also act as an antioxidant.