International Journal of

Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 4873

p-ISSN: 2961-6069

Peer Review Journal

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1. A Review on Anti-Cancer Potential of Herbal Drugs
Rohit R. Bhosale, Dhanashri D. Chavan, Vandana M. Thorat, Amol S. Shete
Cancer is a multistep process and characterized by irregular proliferation of cells. Usually, these cells invade and destroy the normal cells, thus creating an imbalance in the body. Cancer is caused due to various factors like tobacco consumption, exposure of body to chemicals, dietary factors and environmental factors. Conventional medication for the treatment of cancer has several impacts on healthy cells. There is also a problematic issue of an increase in tumour resistance to the current therapeutic agents. Due to this, there is a great need to fight this disease with more effective medication. The present piece of writing provides information regarding different medicinal plants possessing anti-cancer activity.

2. Diuretic Activity of an Aqueous Extract of Cissampelos pareira Roots in Albino Rats
Anantha Babu, S. Panjwani Simran, Ravindra S. Beedimani, Juthuga Sridevi
Background: Diuretic chemicals are extremely beneficial in the treatment of congestive heart failure, nephritis, pregnancy toxaemia, premenstrual stress, and hypertension associated with oedema. Aims: To investigate the diuretic effect of an aqueous extract of Cissampelos pareira roots in albino rats using the Lipschitz method. Methods and Materials: Using metabolic cages, five groups of Albino rats were utilised to assess the diuretic efficacy of an aqueous extract of Cissampelos pareira roots. Group I received vehicle (normal saline of 5ml), Group II received Furosemide (10 mg/Kg, p.o), and Groups III, IV, and V received low (50 mg/kg), medium (100 mg/kg), and high (200 mg/kg) doses of aqueous extract of Cissampelos pareira roots, respectively. Immediately following the aqueous extract of Cissampelos pareira roots treatment, all rats were hydrated with saline (5 ml/kg, p.o.) and two animals were placed in each metabolic cage. Animals were not given food or water for 5 hours. At the end of 5 hours, the total volume of urine collected with each metabolic cage was measured. Various parameters such as total urine volume and ion concentrations such as sodium, potassium, and chloride in the urine were measured. Results: When compared to the control group, the aqueous extract of Cissampelos pareira roots treated groups at different dose levels (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg) showed a significant increase in urine volume as well as a significant increase in the excretion of Sodium, Potassium, and Chloride ions in urine. Conclusion: A single dosage of furosemide and an aqueous extract of Cissampelos pareira roots significantly (p 0.05* & p 0.01**) increased urine output while decreasing sodium, potassium, and chloride ion elimination. A 200 mg/kg aqueous extract of Cissampelos pareira roots demonstrated diuretic action significant to standard drug Furosemide.

3. Anti-Cancer Activity of Methanolic Extract of Root and Leaves of Stereospermum Colais
Rashid Akhtar, Reehan Khan, Umair Ahmed, ShakeebAkhtar, Tarique Deshmukh
Stereospermumcolais is a tree nearly glabrous except the flower. Leaves primarily compound and different parts of tree is used pharmacologically such as anti-diabetic, anti-cancer antioxidants etc. In present study anticancer effect of leaves and root of Stereospermumcolais was evaluated by using XTT assay. XTT Assay is an internationally accepted in vitro method for anticancer drug screening.  Percentage of viable cells can be measured by intensity of orange colored formazan produced is directly proportional to the cell viability.   In the present anti-cancer study, two types of human cell line such as MCF7, A Human breast carcinoma cell line and MOLT-4, a human T lymphoblastic leukemia cell line used and adjusted to density of 10[4]-10[5]. It was observed that extracts from root and leaves of Stereospermumcolais Buch showed dose dependent % cell viability in MOLT-4 and MCF-7 in vitro model

Impact Factor: 3.129

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