The effect of food factors on health status has been recognized since antiquity. The tenet “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” espoused by Hippocrates nearly 2,500 years ago, is receiving renewed interest. Food taken in proper manner helps in the proper growth of the body on the contrary if taken in improper manner leads to various diseases. In this present era of modernization people are neglecting the causative factors for the diseases and rushing towards treatment methodologies. It is the need of the hour to concentrate on the concept of “Nidana Parivarjana chikitsa” i.e. towards causative factors. An overall analysis on the various contributing factors of the diseases, major part goes to Aharaja Nidanas. Ancient Acharyas mainly focused on the Nidana of and described the detailed description of Nidana for all the diseasesThe World Health Organization (WHO) which identifies alcohol, tobacco, poor diet intake and lack of physical activity as major risk factors for lifestyle diseases. The incidence of lifestyle diseases like obesity, Diabetes mellitus, Cardiac diseases, Skin diseases, respiratory diseases etc. is high on the rise. With rapid economic development and increasing westernization of lifestyle in the past few decades prevalence of these diseases has reached alarming proportions among Indians in the recent years.
Keeping all these factors in view the A Survey study has been done to revalidate the concepts, and which is limited to role of Ahara in causing disease especially in the most common lifestyle disorders such as Kushta so as to bring out comprehensive information about food in health and disease.