International Journal of

Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 4873

p-ISSN: 2961-6069

Peer Review Journal

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1. Pharmacognostical studies on Ficus elastica roxb.root
Vivek Kumar Gupta, Surendra Kumar Sharma
Ficus elastica Roxb. or Rubber Plant is a very common and famous species of Genus Ficus. Literature survey has revealed little information on the plant in every aspect. So, an attempt has been made to study the pharmacognostical properties of this plant.

2. Antidiabetic Potential of Murraya koenigii Roots in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats. 
Harneet Singh, Manisha Vats and Satish Sardana
The plant Murraya koenigii (Linn.) Spreng. (Family Rutaceae) commonly known as curry leaf plant or Indian curry leaf plant is a highly valued plant for its characteristic aroma and medicinal properties In the present study the alcoholic and aqueous extracts of Murraya koenigii roots at dose of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg for 21 days have been taken to evaluate the  hypoglycemic activity in  alloxan induced diabetic rats.  The  aqueous extract at 400mg/kgdose level exhibited maximum fall of 57.76% in fasting blood glucose (FBG) of rats after 21 days treatment. The findings from this study suggest that the aqueous extract of the roots may be prescribed as adjunct to dietary therapy and drug treatment for controlling diabetes mellitus.

3. Isolation and Identification of a new molecule from Curculigo orchiodes (Hypoxidaceae).
R.K.Nema, K.G.Ramawat
The novel compound 2-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-5-hydroxybenzyl-2’, 6’-dimethoxy-3’-hydroxybenzoate, a glucoside of substituted benzyl benzoate isolated from C. orchioides. The molecular formula C22H26O12 was deduced from HRFAB-MS m/z 505.1323 [M+Na]+ (required 505.1322 for C22H26O12Na). Assignments of proton and carbon resonances were deduced from analysis of 1H-1H COSY, heteronuclear HMQC, and HMBC 2D chemical shift correlations. The data are supported by 1D and 2D NMR spectra show consistent with a benzyl benzoate structure. The examination of the data suggested the presence of two aromatic rings, of which one ring A, is trisubtituted with three aromatic protons at δ 6.70 (1H, dd, J=8.8Hz and 3.0Hz, H-4), δ 7.08 (1H, d, J=8.8Hz, H-3) and δ 6.92 (1H, d, J=3.0 Hz, H-6). The other aromatic system, ring B, is tetrasubstituted.

4. Antidepressant Activity of Linum usitatissimum Extract.
Rath B. P., Pradhan D.
Shilajit is a pale-brown to blackish–brown exudates obtained from layer of rocks in many mountain ranges (especially the Himalayan ranges of the Indian subcontinent) of the world. Its curative potentials were found documented in ancient books and were used to treat many ailments since antiquity days. Major portion of Shilajit was found to consist of humic substances. A number of preclinical trials have shown many of its pharmacological properties. Use of its constituent in modern agriculture is a common practice nowadays. Several researches have been carried out that explored its curative potential and this miraculous gift of God is finally made available to pharmaceutical industry.

Impact Factor: 3.129

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