International Journal of

Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 4873

p-ISSN: 2961-6069

Peer Review Journal

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1. Community-Based Case-Control Study to Evaluate the Mental Health Disorders for Suicide
Haritha Kota, Peter Jasper Youtham
In order to improve students’ understanding and perspective on suicide, the intervention research used a systematic educational intervention. Many members of the local community saw suicide as a way out of interpersonal, familial, and financial problems, according to the qualitative research. This was true for both healthy persons and those suffering from mental illness. Only a small the psychological autopsy revealed the proportion of suicide victims who suffered from severe mental illness investigation. Psychosocial stress and social isolation also showed up as potential causes of suicide among local residents, according to the psychological autopsy research.

2. Evaluating and Comparing the Experimental and Control Medical Students’ Knowledge and Functional Health Issues Groups Before and After Testing
Cherukuri Sowmyasri, Sneha Sahay Youtham
Researchers used family-centered nursing treatments in the third stage. These that were teaching families about solving functional health issues with the use of flashcards, suggesting changes that could be made to the home environment to help prevent falls, and teaching families about good night’s sleep and deep breathing to help them wind down better. Information was reinforced and exercise was adhered to through direct visits using notes and a video show. After one, three, and six months, participants were given a post-test. This is what After six months (Posttest 3), information on the data analysis’s outcomes was made public instability, disturbed sleep, and understanding among the elderly and those who care for them after Family Focused Nursing Interventions (FFNI) were given.

3. Multi-Level Evidence-Based Practice Training Program (MITP-EBP) on Health Outcomes for Patients
Korada Raga Sravanthi, Sneha Sahay Youtham
Allied Health and Nursing Resources Section of the Medical Library Association is funding this research as part of its Phase I initiative to create a nursing literature map. The main aim of the study is to Multi-Level Evidence-Based Practice Training Program (MITP-EBP) on Health Outcomes for Patients. Polit and Hungler state that a research study’s a representative cross-section of a larger population. In research, a sample is the fundamental unit from which data must be culled, or the people who take part in the study. Here, we set out to measure the effects of MITP-EBP on nursing education and patient care outcomes in two contexts (academic and clinical) using data collected from three groups of nurses: nurse educators, postgraduate nursing students, and clinical nurses.

Impact Factor: 3.129

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