International Journal of

Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 4873

p-ISSN: 2961-6069

Peer Review Journal

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1. Oxidative Stress and Anti-oxidant Status in Hair Dye Poisoning.
Srinivas. Sutrapu, Jagadeeshwar.K, Nagulu. M, Vidyasagar. J
Para phenylenediamine (PPD) is a very common ingredient in most of the hair dye preparations. It accelerates the dyeing process and may produce local as well as systemic toxic effects when applied topically or ingested. It is highly toxic when taken by mouth and the outcome depends mainly on the dose taken. The present study is planed to estimate of this PPD in the dye poisoning patents using a sensitive RP-HPLC method using UV-Visible detection (486nm). The serum proteins were precipitated by a single step liquid-liquid extraction using Ethyl aceto acetate (EAA). Chromatographic separation was achieved with a combination of Ammonium acetate buffer and acetonitrile at 80:20 v/v ratios was run isocratically through a C18 (250mmX4.6mm, 5µm) reverse phase analytical column. Glutathione, Malondialdehyde (MDA), and Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) were estimated and corelated with PPD levels.

2. Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activity of Alpinia Galanga.
Srividya  A.R, Dhanabal S. P,  Satish kumar M. N,  Parth Kumar H. Bavadia
Alpinia galanga belongs to the family Zingiberaceae. Successive extraction was carried out using various solvents. Maximum total phenol and flavonol content were present in Ethanolic extract of Alpinia galanga. Ethanolic extract of Alpinia galanga showed the potent scavenging activity by DPPH method with the IC 50 value of 69.5±1.375 µg/ml, by lipid per oxidation method with the IC 50 value of 77±1.876 µg/ml, hydrogen peroxide radical scavenging activity with the IC 50 value 55±1.59 µg/ml, ABTS radical scavenging method with the IC 50 value 0.086±1.10 µg/ml. The glucose uptake by rat hemi diaphragm was significantly more in all groups tested compared to control. 400 mg/kg b.wt treated group showed marked increase in body weight. Fluid intake (ml/day) was also increased when compared to the diabetic control Serum glucose level (mg/dl) was found to decrease gradually from the date of administration of the extract to the end of the study when compared to the diabetic control. 400 mg/kg b.wt treated group showed potent serum glucose reducing capacity than 200 mg/kg b.wt treated group. Total protein level was found to increase in the extract treated group when compared to diabetic control. Serum triglyceride level was found to be decreased when compared with diabetic control as well as diabetes treated with Glibenclamide. Total cholesterol was also found to decrease drastically on the administration of the extract when compared with the diabetic control. The Ethanolic extract of Alpinia galanga was found to be effective in inhibiting the α-Glucosidase when compared to Acarbose

3. Seeds of Mimusops elengi Linn.- Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Studies
Bindu Gopalkrishnan, Shraddha N. Shimpi.
Mimusops elengi Linn. belongs to family Sapotaceae. It is a large evergreen tree found commonly in India. The seed is known for its medicinal properties, such as in constipation, diabetes, hydrophobia, piles etc. The folklore mentions seeds to have spermicidal properties. The present investigation deals with the quantitative and qualitative microscopic evaluation of the seeds and establishment of its quality parameters, including physicochemical and phytochemical evaluation. Chief characters of transverse section include sclerenchymatous testa, parenchymatous tegmen, nucellar cells, parenchymatous endosperm and cotyledons cells. Physicochemical parameters were also established. Preliminary Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of phytoconstituents such as terpenoids, saponins, anthraquinone glycoside and cardiac glycoside. Saponin being the major biochemical, TLC was performed using standard marker. This study can be a reliable tool for investigating the status of the plant organ as a crude medicine. It will also serve as an important parameter for Pharmacological investigations and also ensuring quality formulations in future.

Impact Factor: 3.129

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