International Journal of

Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 4873

p-ISSN: 2961-6069

Peer Review Journal

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1. Pinus roxburghii: Incredible Gift in the Lap of Himalayas.
Dhirender Kaushik, Ajay Kumar, A.C. Rana
Pines clearly form the most ecologically and economically significant tree group in the world. The genus Pinus contains 110 species, comprising more than half the species in the pinaceae and almost 20% of all gymnosperm species. Pinus roxburgii sarg is one of the species belonging to family pinaceae found in East Asia-Himalayas from Afghanistan to Bhutan, forms extensive forests to 2700 meters and does best on north slopes on good soils. The chief constituents of Pinus roxburgii sarg are α-pinene, β-pinene, car-3-ene and longifolene. A yield of turpentine from resin averaged was almost 26.7%. The needles being rich in resin content is a highly inflammable fuel for igniting forest fires. The turpine obtained from resin of tree is antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, rubefacient, stimulant and vermifuge. The oil is also an ingradient in many ointments, liniments and lotions for treating minor aches and pains as well as colds, when applied externally. It is used internally as well as externally for many diseases. Extracts of the roxburgii were tested for growth inhibitory against bacterial plant pathogens, mosquito. The species suggests phytomedicine for anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial activities with industrial applications which are based on the antioxidant potential of the species. Tress is extensively tapped for their resin in India and is the main source of resin in that region. The distribution region plays an important determinant of pine distribution and abundance in the landscape.

2.A Comparative Study on Galactogogue Property of Milk and Aqueous Decoction of Asparagus racemosus in Rats.
Rajesh Garg and V. B. Gupta
A traditional belief regarding mode of administration of Asparagus racemosus (AR) says that Ksheerpaka (milk decoction) of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is more potent as galactogogue than any other form of dosage.In view of this that milk decoction of AR can stimulate more milk production in lactating females, experiments were performed to determine the potentiality of it over aqueous decoction of AR as galactogogue in rats. Female rats that received oral doses of milk decoction of AR (100mg/kg body weight) during their first lactation produced about 27% more milk than controls (P<0·05). Pup weight gain was also significantly higher than that in the control group. Aqueous decoction of AR in same dose produced only 6% more than control. This study demonstrates that the milk decoction of AR is potent as compared to aqueous decoction of AR.

3. Isolation, Characterization and Evaluation of Anti-convulsant Activity of Rubus racemosus.
P.R.Kumar and Dr.V.Vaidhyalingam
The structure of new compounds Compound I – 1-[20, 21 – dodeacylnanone] – α-1→6-D-glucotetraose-6 ‟‟‟(P-hydroxy) benzoate. Compound II-9, 10 epoxynonacosane have been isolated from the methanolic aerial extract of the Rubus racemosus. The methanolic extract was subjected to anticonvulsant activity by MES induced epilepsy and determination of neurotransmitter concentrations in rat brain after induction of epilepsy.

4. Antidiabetic Activity of the Plant Abutilon indicum in Streptozotocin Induced Experimental Diabetes in Rats.
Pawan Kaushik, Dhirender Kaushik1, Sukhbir Lal Khokra1, Anil Sharma
The present work investigated the effect of daily oral administration of CF (50 mg/kg body weight) for 21 days on blood glucose, lipid profile, glcosylated haemoglobin, total haemoglobin and plasma insulin in normal and STZinduced diabetic rats. Chloroform fraction at a dose of 50 mg/kg showed significant reduction in blood sugar level in diabetic rat when compared with diabetic control rats (p < 0.05). Significant (p < 0.05) differences were observed in serum lipid profiles, serum insulin, glcosylated hemoglobin, body weight and hemoglobin levels in diabetic animals treated with CF compared with the diabetic control. These results demonstrated that the chloroform fraction has significant antidiabetic activity and there is need to isolate the active compounds and develop them as a potential antidiabetic compound

5. Tinospora cordifolia : Its Bioactivities and Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties.
A.K.Meena, Arjun Singh,P Panda, Sudip Mishra, MM Rao.
The medicinal plants are widely used by the traditional medical practitioners for curing various diseases in their day to day practice. In traditional systems of medicine, different parts (leaves, stem, flower, root, seeds and even whole plant) of tinospora cardifolia (Menispermaceae), commonly known as Guduchi are used. T. cordifolia is a glabrous, succulent, climbing shrub native to India. The plant is well known for several medicinal uses like immunostimulant, anti-bacterial, analgesic, antipyretic and also for the treatment of jaundice, skin diseases, diabetes, anemia etc. As there is no detailed on the standardisation work reported on stem, the physicochemical parameters, brief study on pharmacological activities and microbial contamination analysis are carried out. The study revealed specific identities for the particular crude drug which will be useful in identification and control to adulterations of the raw drug.

6. Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Evaluation of Peel of Punica Granatum.
Soni H, Nayak G, Mishra K, Singhai A.K, Pathak A.K
Pomegranate is a Fruit of Energy, Vitality & great Medicinal Value . A number of medicinal uses has been reported some important onces are Antioxidant, antihelmintic activity, Hepato-Protective activity, antidiarrhoeal activity, Tumor growth inhibitory activity. Present investigation includes examination of morphological and microscopic characters, ash value, extractive values and Phytochemical evaluations including qualitative chemical examination of active constituents were carried out.

7. Pharmacognostical Studies of the Leaves of Cayratia carnosa Gagnep. in South India.
John Thomas, Jisha Johna, Praveen M., Molly Mathewa
The plant Cayratia carnosa gagnep. is a rare medicinal plant belongs to the family vitaceae is commonly known in India as Amalbel in Hindi, heggoli in Kannada and amarakkoti or kattuperanta in Malayalam. It is a fleshy climbing shrub distributed through out India and Asian countries. Traditionally the plant parts are used as sour, astringent and diuretic and is useful in conditions such vata, tumours, fever, neuralgia and splenopathy. It purifies the blood and is given for hepatopathy, cardiac disorders, ulcers, wounds, dropsy, haemorrhoids and strangury. The presence of narrow rectangular and thick walled epidermimal cells, trichomes and vascular bundles connected to the abaxial epidermis in the lamina, rosette cells, raphide, petioles without wings etc. are very important characters. The combinations of these characters provide reliable characters for species identification. The present study deals with the micro morphological studies carried out on the leaves of Cayratia carnosa, one of the World Health Organization (WHO) accepted parameter for identification of medicinal plants.

8. Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Tylophora indica (Burm. F.) Merill. by Quality Control Parameters.
Mayank Gupta, Mahaveer Singh, Hayat M. Mukhtar, Sayeed Ahmad
For pharmaceutical purposes, the quality of medicinal plant material must be high as that of other medicinal preparations. Standardization problems arise from the complex composition of drugs which are used in the form of whole plant, parts of the plants and of plant extract. The present study involves the quality control study of parameters of leaves of Tylophora indica (Brum. F.) Merill., according to WHO guidelines and Pharmacopieal guidelines given for standardization of botanicals. Botanical evaluation- Morphological, Micrscopical, Physicochemical evaluation- Ash values and Extractive values, Moisture content, PH determination, Phytochemical screening, Powder drug reactions, Fluorescent analysis, Total microbial load present in the drug and TLC/HPTLC fingerprinting profile.

Impact Factor: 3.129

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